Spark Stripe: PayPal Support

Jul, 2 2024#spark


We're happy to announce that Spark Stripe now supports PayPal when starting new subscriptions.

PayPal is a widely-used digital wallet system, particularly popular in Europe. Customers can choose from various funding sources, including their PayPal wallet, linked cards, bank accounts, or the “buy now, pay later” option. After selecting their preferred payment method and successfully authenticating the transaction, customers are seamlessly redirected back to Spark. Currently, Stripe only offers PayPal support in Europe.

To use PayPal within your Spark powered Laravel application, update your Spark Stripe installation to v5.4.0 and enable the PayPal payment method in your Stripe dashboard configuration.

By Dries Vints

Developer at Laravel working on the first-party open source libraries. Find me on TwitterGitHub or my website.

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