Today, we're thrilled to announce the release of Laravel 11 and Laravel Reverb.
Today, we're super excited to announce a new Laravel Octane integration: FrankenPHP - a modern PHP server, developed by Kévin Dunglas, that supports modern web features such as early hints, automatic SSL certificate management, and Zstandard compression.
Volt is an elegantly crafted functional API for Livewire, allowing component's PHP logic and Blade templates to coexist in the same file. Behind the scenes, the functional API is compiled to Livewire class components and linked with the template present in the same file.
Today, we are releasing the first beta of Laravel Folio. Folio is a powerful page-based router designed to simplify routing in Laravel applications. With Laravel Folio, generating a route becomes as effortless as creating a Blade template within your application's "resources/views/pages" directory.
Last week saw the official release of PHP 8.2, bringing with it features such as read-only classes, DNF types, and...
Starting today, you may use PHP 8.2 Release Candidates in your Vapor environments. To get started, simply specify "php-8.2:al2" as your preferred runtime in your "vapor.yml" configuration file.
Laravel v9.32.0 saw the release of two new Artisan commands; `env:encrypt` and `env:decrypt`.
Following last week's release, which again focused on Artisan, this week Laravel v9.24 introduces three new DB commands and more.
Following on from the recently introduced fresh new look for Artisan, we took some time to identify new Artisan commands to further improve the Laravel experience. Another newly introduced command is "about". This command displays information about your application's environment.
Following on from the recently introduced fresh new look for Artisan, we took some time to identify new Artisan commands to further improve the Laravel experience. One of the newly introduced commands is "model:show". This command dumps out the model and table highlights for the given model.
On today's release of Laravel v9.21.0, we’re bringing you a fresh new look for Artisan: a brand new console output on the vast majority of Laravel commands that deliveries a better console experience, and displays more information in commands such as "migrate" or "queue:work".
After a few beta releases, today we've finally reached the first stable release of Pint. And, starting with next week's release of Laravel, Pint will be included on every new Laravel application as a `dev` dependency.